WIFI 專家 Home Coming 龜家

        美國的WiFi 公司比台灣的還要混,但是礙於價格的原因,所以大多數的人都用同一家,這造成美國的WiFi市場被算是獨佔的一種狀態。我就讀的學校也是礙於價格的原因,所以也是用那一家的服務,這就造成了以下問題跟言論的出現: potato WiFi , where is the WiFi expert, f**king Comcast 諸如此類的言論,為了解決這個問題,我們學校想到的是找一個WiFi專家來解決這件事,入果這樣無法跟你們的生活作連結的話,我換個說法好了,例如說你受重傷送急診,這時候我們醫生不處理你的傷口,反而找了一個小丑在你面前表演,大概就是這樣的概念,所以我們班又出現了新的梗,容許我在此重現給各位聽
老師:There will be a WiFi expert coming to our school next week to fix the WiFi.
同學A:WiFi expert?What is he going to do? unplug the WiFi and plug it in again?
我:No, he is suppose to turn it off and turn it back on and tell you that is all done.
同學A:Maybe he is just going to tell you that the WiFi is functioning by taking out a fancy device and go to the next room.
同學B:Na, we had the expert come to our room once, he told us to go to a website and said that it will speed up the WiFi.
同學A:Lets set up a website called: "WiFi speed up" and charge people for going in the website! Then I can be the WiFi expert!
我:What do you want to do when you grow up?
同學A:I want to be a WiFi expert, so I can do nothing and make tons of money by doing so.
以上是我們的對話,從那次之後每當有人走進教室的時候我們就會問:Is it the WiFi expert? 但是結果往往令人失望,反正來了好像也是沒有用(你說看不懂?就叫你認真讀英文就是不聽)
話說這周好像是Home Coming這啥?好吃嗎?  聽學長跟同學說就是一場舞會,每年都有的東西,但是好像有越辦越爛的趨勢,所以我就打算不去湊熱鬧了,加上我也不會跳舞,去幹嘛?當小丑啊!!!
